The premium package help sellers to promote their products or services by giving more visibility to their ads to attract more buyers and sell faster. Please ensure your phone number is Mpesa enabled.
Ksh 0 / ad
- Free listing
- No payments required
- Approval time upto 24 hours
- Keep online for 14 days
Ksh 1,000 / ad
- 14 days of promotion
- Facebook Ads (14 days)
- Google Ads (14 days)
- Twitter Ads (14 days)
- Up to 10 images allowed
- No approval time
- Featured on Homepage
- Keep online for 30 days
Bazaar Special
Ksh 1,000 / ad
- 7 days of promotion
- Facebook Ads (7 days)
- Google Ads (7 days)
- Twitter Ads (7 days)
- Up to 25 images allowed
- -No approval time
- -Featured on the homepage
- -Featured in the category
- -Premium Placement at Jamhuri Showground
- NOTE: Vehicle registration No, will be used at the gate for check-in
- -Your car will be displayed at the Jamhuri Showground in Nairobi
- Keep online for 30 days